Your Defense Advocate: Reliable Sex Offense Attorney Services
If you have been charged with a sex crime, you need a sex offense attorney in your corner immediately. Sex crime cases have a way of affecting many areas of your life, including your family, your friends, your career and your reputation. And, of course, your freedom may also be at stake.
I am criminal defense attorney Leo T. Flynn, and I represent people charged with sex offenses in the Sioux Falls area and across South Dakota. You can be certain that I have the experience to defend you against any sex crime charge, no matter how serious. With more than nearly 40 years of criminal defense knowledge and experience, I am here to protect you during this challenging ordeal.
Just Being Charged With A Sex Crime Can Negatively Affect Your Life
Many people do not realize that they don’t have to be convicted of a sex offense to feel the effects of it. You may find that your personal relationships, professional reputation and housing options are greatly diminished, making for an uncertain future.
The Consequences Of A Conviction Are Severe
If you are convicted of or plead guilty to a sex offense, you will face harsh penalties and consequences, including:
- A prison sentence
- Steep fines
- Lifetime registration on sex offender registries
- A lengthy probation period
- Restrictions on where you can live/community safety zones
- The possible loss of custody of your children
Any one of these issues would be challenging, and the combination of them can be overwhelming.
What Were You Charged With?
I defend people against all state and federal charges for misdemeanor and felony sex offenses such as:
- Rape and statutory rape
- Sexual battery
- Solicitation of a minor
- Possessing or distributing child pornography
- Prostitution
- Indecent exposure
Contact me if you do not see your specific charge mentioned above.
What Should You Expect During The Legal Process For A Sex Offense Case?
Being investigated for a sex offense is a lengthy process. Law enforcement will conduct interviews with you, the alleged victim and the potential witnesses. For cases involving a child, the parents may be interviewed as well.
Police will collect DNA evidence, which typically includes a medical exam (rape kit) of the alleged victim. Other types of evidence may be things such as your cellphone data and social media accounts.
You should contact a sex offense lawyer as soon as possible, even if you haven’t been formally charged yet. Just the accusation of a sex crime can be enough to cause havoc in your life, and an experienced sex offense attorney can help you minimize the damage and publicity.
Don’t Wait To Get Started
As with all criminal cases, it is best to begin your defense as soon as you can. Call Flynn Law, P.C., at 605-941-4681 today or contact me online.